Our mobile app is the ultimate way to take control of your D2 Dispensary experience! Track your purchase history, earn points, and unlock exclusive discounts with ease.
You’ll be the first to know about events, sales, and more! Plus, you can order directly from the app!
Is it free to join?
Yes, the loyalty program is completely free to join.
How do I sign up?
Sign up using the form at the top of this page. Already signed up? Log in with the D2 Now App or with this link.
How do the tiers work?
When you reach the spending milestone of $1,000 in a single year, you unlock Insider Tier for the remainder of the year and for the following year.
If you reach $5,000 in a single year, you unlock Connoisseur Tier for the remainder of the year and for the following year.
To maintain your tier and all the perks that come with it, you’ll have to hit the same spending milestone in the following year.
Do I need to spend $1000 or $5000 again to maintain my tier for the next year?
Yes. Reaching a spending milestone unlocks that tier for the remainder of the year and for the following year. Spend enough during that following year to maintain your tier.
How do I track my progress toward each tier?
If you’d like to know exactly how much you’ve spent in a given year, reach out to us at the bottom of this page.
How do you earn points?
You earn 1 point for every $1 spent. Not including tax.
How many points do I have?
View your point balance and available rewards using the D2 Now app or by logging in here.
Why am I not earning points even though I made a purchase?
It can take up to 24 hours for points to appear in your account and in the app. If you’re missing points and it’s been more than a day, reach out to us at the bottom of this page.
Can I redeem points in the drive-thru?
Do I earn more points if I reach a higher tier?
When you reach a higher tier you get a one-time point bonus, but still earn 1 point for every $1 spent. However, each tier has exclusive discounted rewards and other perks.
Do points expire?
Points expire if you go 365 days without making a purchase.
How do I redeem points for free products?
Simply show the reward you’d like to redeem to our staff at the window. If you prefer not to use the app, our staff can pull up your account and let you know what rewards are available to you.
Are there any restrictions on what I can spend my points on?
Yes. Only certain products are available for redemption at specific point values. Check the app to see what’s available now!
Can I redeem my points at any D2 location?
Yes, although inventory may vary from location to location slightly.
By signing up for our loyalty program, you’re not just getting rewards and incentives for shopping at D2 Dispensaries, you’re investing in a long-term partnership that ensures you get the best value for your dollar. This program is specially designed to reward our most loyal customers with perks and benefits that enhance your shopping experience while also recognizing your commitment to our brand. Whether you’re a frequent shopper or a first-time visitor, our loyalty program is an excellent way to make the most of your time and money spent at D2 Dispensaries. Join our loyalty program today and experience the unbeatable benefits of being part of our community!